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Aircraft of the Mogilev flying club DOSAAF in the sky over Alexandria will perform aerobatics


The planes of the Mogilev flying club DOSAAF will draw a heart with an arrow in the sky over Alexandria during the republican holiday "Kupala". The head of the Mogilev flying club DOSAAF named after A.M. Kulagina Ivan Kasim.

“The event will involve three Yak-55 aircraft, which will show aerobatics,” said the source. - The most spectacular moment will be when over the Dnieper two planes will bring out the outlines of the heart in the air, and the third will pierce it diagonally with an imaginary arrow. The upcoming program is complex in terms of technique, but we will try to work it out beautifully and effectively. "

Another An-2 aircraft will throw ten parachutists into the sky, one of which will unfurl the national flag with an area of ​​almost 730 square meters and weighing about 80 kg. This will be the final chord of the aerial performance.

Demonstration flights of the Mogilev flying club will begin at 18.00. They will accompany the concert program "Heaven over Magilёshchynai", with which the winner of the Francysk Skaryna medal, the soloist of the Mogilev Regional Philharmonic Society Olga Gornichar, will appear on the festive stage.

According to Ivan Kasim, the aeroclub constantly performs at significant events and holidays that take place in the region. Nevertheless, viewers, both adults and young, are always eagerly and impatiently awaiting the appearance of planes and parachutists in the sky.

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Mogilev region administration