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An instructive and methodological meeting was held in the Mogilev regional executive committee within the framework of a single day of informing


An instructive and methodological meeting within the framework of a single informing day was held in the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee today . The event was attended by members of information and propaganda groups, heads of structural divisions of the regional executive committee, organizations, departments, regional public associations.Despite the fact that in July, the main topic of UNI is “On the state and prospects of development of the health care system in the Mogilev region in modern conditions. Vaccination as a factor in preserving the health of the population ", during the meeting another important issue was considered -" Constitutional reform ".Igor Marzalyuk , a member of the Constitutional Commission, Chairman of the Standing Commission of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus on Education, Culture and Science, Igor Marzalyuk , introduced the main preliminary amendments made after painstaking work to all those interested in the Main Law of the country . He stressed that the work on the updated version of the normative legal act is almost completed. The last reading with the participation of the Head of State will take place in August.

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Mogilev region administration