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Belarus, Russia agree on operating principles of Union State media holding

Belarus and Russia have agreed on the principles of operation of the Union State media holding, its charter has been developed, Belarus’ Ambassador to Russia Aleksandr Rogozhnik said in an interview with the Belarus 1 TV channel, BelTA has learned.

“Today, the issue of creating a Union State media holding is in the works. Belarus and Russia have already agreed on the principles of its functioning, and a preliminary charter has been developed. Its task will be to give a new lease on life to the coverage of the Union State, to get young people interested in such news. It is designed to strengthen friendly relations between the regions of the Russian Federation and Belarus. The agenda should be versatile and interesting,” said Aleksandr Rogozhnik.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Union State Treaty. “This is an important milestone for the two states. As time has shown, everything was done absolutely right. The two nations live as one family,” the ambassador emphasized.
Writer by: belta
Mogilev region administration