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Belarus shares COVID-19 response experience at World Health Assembly session


Belarusian Healthcare Minister Dmitry Pinevich presented Belarus' experience in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic at the 74th session of the World Health Assembly that is running online, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Healthcare Ministry.

Tailoring the pandemic response to the realities of every country is the most important thing, Dmitry Pinevich said. Belarus chose its own way. “As a result, we have kept things running in the country, first of all, maintained the operation of the economy, while protecting the population as much as possible. This remains a priority. The vaccination campaign is in full swing in Belarus. We are also developing our own jab and are considering exporting our vaccine to other countries with the help of relevant mechanisms of the World Health Organization (WHO),” he said.

The topic of public healthcare is getting more prominent nowadays, Dmitry Pinevich noted. Unsolved or new challenges in healthcare only reinforce negative tendencies in global politics and hamper sustainable development.

“Belarus welcomes systemic efforts of WHO's director general to make sure that the organization stays in tune with the current realities. Belarus actively participated in the months-long process to draw up the appropriate resolution under the auspices of the EU Delegation. We also back the decision of the World Health Assembly to design the international framework convention on pandemic preparedness and response,” Dmitry Pinevich stressed.

According to him, "Belarus is ready to actively and constructively participate in the upcoming negotiations and in the implementation of the provisions of the WHA resolution on the response to health emergencies as a member of the WHO Executive Board, if member states will do us honor and support Belarus' candidacy to this body."

The minister recalled that the candidacy of Belarus was agreed last year at the regional level.

Dmitry Pinevich noted that Belarus, as a member of the Executive Board, is ready to contribute to the work of the board on other health issues, especially those on which it has accumulated many years of positive experience.

The healthcare minister expressed the hope that this session of the World Health Assembly will mark a key moment in strengthening WHO's role and capacity in responding to public health emergencies.

The WHO's main annual forum is held online with the participation of 194 countries, including Belarus. The session will focus on combating the pandemic and preventing new emergencies. Experts are also discussing antibiotic resistance, laboratory biological safety, mental health during the pandemic, HIV/AIDS, polio, malaria and many others.

The session will also discuss the progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals and WHO's Triple Billion targets. By 2023the WHO proposes to achieve: 1 billion more people benefiting from universal health coverage; billion more people better protected from health emergencies; 1 billion more people enjoying better health and well-being.

The World Health Assembly is WHO's main decision-making body comprising all member states.

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Belarusian Healthcare Minister Dmitry Pinevich presented Belarus' experience in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic at the 74th session of the World Health Assembly that is running online, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Healthcare Ministry.

Tailoring the pandemic response to the realities of every country is the most important thing, Dmitry Pinevich said. Belarus chose its own way. “As a result, we have kept things running in the country, first of all, maintained the operation of the economy, while protecting the population as much as possible. This remains a priority. The vaccination campaign is in full swing in Belarus. We are also developing our own jab and are considering exporting our vaccine to other countries with the help of relevant mechanisms of the World Health Organization (WHO),” he said.

The topic of public healthcare is getting more prominent nowadays, Dmitry Pinevich noted. Unsolved or new challenges in healthcare only reinforce negative tendencies in global politics and hamper sustainable development.

“Belarus welcomes systemic efforts of WHO's director general to make sure that the organization stays in tune with the current realities. Belarus actively participated in the months-long process to draw up the appropriate resolution under the auspices of the EU Delegation. We also back the decision of the World Health Assembly to design the international framework convention on pandemic preparedness and response,” Dmitry Pinevich stressed.

According to him, "Belarus is ready to actively and constructively participate in the upcoming negotiations and in the implementation of the provisions of the WHA resolution on the response to health emergencies as a member of the WHO Executive Board, if member states will do us honor and support Belarus' candidacy to this body."

The minister recalled that the candidacy of Belarus was agreed last year at the regional level.

Dmitry Pinevich noted that Belarus, as a member of the Executive Board, is ready to contribute to the work of the board on other health issues, especially those on which it has accumulated many years of positive experience.

The healthcare minister expressed the hope that this session of the World Health Assembly will mark a key moment in strengthening WHO's role and capacity in responding to public health emergencies.

The WHO's main annual forum is held online with the participation of 194 countries, including Belarus. The session will focus on combating the pandemic and preventing new emergencies. Experts are also discussing antibiotic resistance, laboratory biological safety, mental health during the pandemic, HIV/AIDS, polio, malaria and many others.

The session will also discuss the progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals and WHO's Triple Billion targets. By 2023the WHO proposes to achieve: 1 billion more people benefiting from universal health coverage; billion more people better protected from health emergencies; 1 billion more people enjoying better health and well-being.

The World Health Assembly is WHO's main decision-making body comprising all member states.

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Mogilev region administration