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For five months of 2021, individual entrepreneurs paid Br28.2 million to the budget of the Mogilev region


In January-May of this year, individual entrepreneurs paid Br 28.2 million rubles to the budget of the Mogilev region. The share of infusions in the regional budget was 4.8%, the press center of the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus for the Mogilev region reported.

The main share is made up of receipts from:

- tax under the simplified taxation system - Br 15.2 million;

- single tax on individual entrepreneurs and other individuals - Br 4.2 million;

- income tax on income from entrepreneurial activities - Br 4 million;

- value added tax - Br 3.6 million, including the tax levied on the import of goods into the territory of the Republic of Belarus - Br 2.4 million.

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Mogilev region administration