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Forestry enterprises of the Mogilev region are planning to collect about 2.5 thousand tons of birch sap this season


In the near future, the forestry enterprises of the Mogilev state production forestry association, with the exception of Krasnopolsk, intend to start harvesting birch sap. During the season, it is planned to collect about 2.5 thousand tons of juice, of which about 400 tons will be sold to the population, the Mogilev GPLHO reported.

Residents of the Dnieper region will be able to purchase birch sap on the territory of the forestry. To do this, you need to come to the leshoz. Experts will indicate where the procurement is at a given time. He will go there and collect juice from the birch trees that have already been tapped. A liter bought directly at the cutting area will cost, for example, in the Belynichy forestry enterprise - 16 kopecks, Bobruisk, Bykhovsky - 22 kopecks, Mogilevsky - 35 kopecks.

It is possible to purchase birch sap directly from the leshoz warehouse (from the container) in your container. So, in the Belynichy forestry, a liter will cost 22 kopecks, Bykhov and Klichevsky - 25 kopecks each, Mogilev forestry - 50 kopecks.

Also, in the Mogilev forestry enterprise, buyers will be offered already bottled juice: 5 liter bottles. for 3 rubles. 50 kopecks and 10 liters each - 6 rubles. 50 kopecks.

In addition, birch sap can be obtained independently. At the same time, the Mogilev State Forestry Association reminds of the need to comply with the requirements for harvesting and collecting juice established by law. Sap can be harvested in plantations intended for final felling, but not earlier than 5 years before felling. And also in the areas set aside for other felling and intermediate felling in the year of felling.

When harvesting birch sap, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs must have a forest ticket issued by a legal entity conducting forestry (leshoz). Information about such plots can be obtained from leshozes and forestries.

Violation of the rules for the procurement of juice in accordance with Article 16.19 of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Belarus Violation of the rules for the procurement, collection or purchase of mushrooms, other wild plants or their parts entails a warning or a fine:

1. Collecting or harvesting mushrooms, other wild plants or their parts (fruits, berries, seeds, etc.), tree sap in the territory where such harvesting or harvesting is prohibited, or harvesting or collecting them without a permit, when its receipt is mandatory, or not in accordance with it - shall entail the imposition of a fine in the amount of up to twenty basic units, on an individual entrepreneur - up to one hundred basic units, and on a legal entity - up to five hundred basic units.

2. Violation of the established deadlines, the use of prohibited means or methods of collecting, or harvesting mushrooms, other wild plants or their parts, tree sap, or any other violation of the rules for collecting or harvesting - shall result in the imposition of a fine in the amount of up to twenty basic units, on an individual entrepreneur - up to one hundred basic units, and for a legal entity - up to five hundred basic units.

When harvesting birch sap, it is important to comply with the technology and rules for sap harvesting:

• the number of tapping holes depends on the diameter of the tree (with a diameter of 20-26 centimeters - one hole; with a diameter of 27-34 centimeters - two holes; with a diameter of 35-40 centimeters - three holes; with a diameter over 40 centimeters - four holes);

• channels for tapping holes are drilled with a drill immediately after the start of sap flow. The channels are drilled with a slight downward slope for better juice drainage. The channel diameter is one centimeter, the depth is two to three centimeters, excluding the thickness of the bark;

• a groove made of stainless, steel or freshly cut shoots of hazel, maple or linden, twelve to twenty centimeters long, is inserted into the prepared hole for the juice drain. Juice collectors (glass or enamel containers, plastic bags, etc.) should be installed under the grooves.

• a new hole must be drilled at a distance of at least twenty centimeters from the old hole.

• juice is collected as the juice collectors are filled, but at least once a day.

• after the end of the tapping season, the grooves must be removed, and the holes closed with a wooden plug and covered with pitch, garden ointment, clay with lime or resin containing fifteen to twenty percent of charcoal to prevent tree diseases.

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Mogilev region administration