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In Mogilev, the public urges drivers not to park in places for people with disabilities


Graduates of the Teplitsa School of Urban Initiatives are launching the Park Correctly public campaign . Its goal is to change the behavior of non-disabled drivers in parking spaces designed for people with disabilities.

As practice shows, many car owners use these places without having the right to do so (they are not disabled, their cars are not marked with special signs).

“It is often possible to notice when, near large shopping centers, other organizations, car owners park in places for the disabled, which are naturally closer to the entrance, although there are others that are free. We want to correct this situation and show that cultural people live in Mogilev who respect people with disabilities, ”the organizers of the project noted.

During the campaign, they will tell you how parking spaces for people with disabilities differ from ordinary ones and why you shouldn't occupy them unnecessarily. The authors have prepared a video clip with a specific example, where the driver Dmitry, who is himself a wheelchair user, talks about the difficulties he faces in parking lots .

In cooperation with large shopping centers, the organizers will foster a parking culture for drivers whose cars are not marked with special signs, but are parked in places for the disabled. Joint actions are planned, where volunteers will conduct explanatory work among violators. Some schools will have classroom hours on this topic.

You can follow the progress of the campaign in the media or social networks. If you want to join the campaign as a volunteer or have something to say about this issue, fill out the form .

Mogilev region administration