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In the Mogilev region, healthcare workers were the first to be vaccinated against COVID-19 - 1610 people


Have taken root and advise others

Fighting COVID-19, doctors are more at risk of getting sick themselves. Therefore, the first stage of vaccination against coronavirus is focused on them.

The regional healthcare institutions received the required number of doses of the Russian vaccine Gam-COVID-Vak, or Sputnik V. Also, the material and technical base for its safe storage has been formed, the necessary temperature control is provided at all stages of transportation, storage and the vaccination procedure itself. This means, doctors emphasize, the safety of the drug will be ensured.

The first stage of immunization involved six administrative territories and several health organizations: Mogilev central polyclinic, Mogilev polyclinic No. 6, Bobruisk city polyclinic No. 1, Bykhovskaya, Belynichskaya, Klimovichskaya and Osipovichskaya central regional hospitals. At the second stage, the rest of the region will be connected.

On the very first day of the campaign, the leadership of the main health department of the Mogilev regional executive committee and the Mogilev central polyclinic took root.

In total, they plan to vaccinate 830 people in Mogilev - employees of clinics, hospitals and other medical institutions aged 18 to 60 years. The midwife of the Mogilev central polyclinic, Lyudmila Ishchenko, is already one of them:

- I decided to protect myself and was vaccinated on the very first day of vaccination. I have not been sick with coronavirus and I want to stay healthy. It was not scary before the procedure, as it was a deliberate step. I persuade my husband to get vaccinated. By the way, I feel great!

Before vaccination, patients must undergo a medical examination. The doctor examines them, measures the temperature, clarifies the anamnesis, past and chronic diseases, the presence of allergies. Then the vaccinated receives full information about the drug, possible side effects, the immunity produced.

And in his hands he is given a memo with the date and time when he needs to come up for the injection again - the second vaccination must be done 21 days after the first.

For half an hour after vaccination, doctors observe the condition of a person and only then let him go. So far, none of the patients are feeling worse.

After the medical workers, teachers and employees of institutions with round-the-clock stay of children and adults will be vaccinated. Then everyone can go through this procedure. To do this, you will need to contact a medical facility at your place of residence, where a specialist doctor will assess the patient's health, the available indications and contraindications.

Mogilev region administration