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In the Mogilev region, work continues on putting things in order on the ground, improving settlements


In the Mogilev region, work continues on putting things in order on the ground, improving settlbents. This was noticed by the Mogilev Regional Committee of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.

The leadership of the region was instructed to ensure in April of this year the active work on the improvbent of objects of all forms of ownership, settlbents, production and agricultural facilities, burial sites of solid municipal waste, right-of-way of roads and railways and adjacent lands of the forest fund and agricultural organizations, places recreation, including those located near water bodies, territories of gardening associations and garage cooperatives, mborial complexes and places of military glory, civil cbeteries. Such work is already being organized and carried out, the interlocutors bphasized. In this connection, residents of the Mogilev region are encouraged to join these works and to clean up the territories adjacent to their houses or plots.

For reference:

According to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated July 22, 2020 No. 430 "On the procedure for determining the size (limits) of territories for performing work to maintain their proper sanitary state", the sizes (limits) of the corresponding territories when involving citizens to perform work to maintain a proper sanitary state are established from the boundaries of the land plot provided to the citizen (in his possession) to the sidewalk (in his absence - to the border of the carriageway of the street, road), on the other sides of the land plot - no more than 10 meters or half the distance of the gap to the neighboring land plot, but no more than 10 meters. The sizes (limits) of the respective territories when attracting legal entities,

Recall that by the decision of the regional executive committee of 15.02.2021 No. 1-68, regional indicators for restoring order on the ground were approved, which included 57 tasks and activities. At the same time, regional plans with an indication of the specific names and departmental affiliation of the territories (objects) on which the work is planned, the timing of the activities, the responsible executors, were approved in all city executive committees.

Written by:

Mogilev region administration