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Lukashenko meets with Belarus' Emergencies Minister Sinyavsky


Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko heard out a report of Belarus' Emergencies Minister Vadim Sinyavsky on 2 August, BelTA has learned.

According to the head of state, Vadim Sinyavsky was appointed the emergencies minister not long ago. “A non-conventional approach was used: we invited a person from a different field of activity [Vadim Sinyavsky worked as head of the interior Ministry's Department of the Grodno Oblast Executive Committee before his appointment as Emergencies Minister in March 2021]. Although this field of activity is not totally different. What can you say about the state of affairs in the Emergencies Ministry? How did people accept you? What drawbacks to you see there?” the Belarusian leader wondered.

The president recalled his recent decisions aimed at the improvement of the structure of the Emergencies Ministry, including the decision on the appointment of the new minister based on the conclusion of the State Secretariat. “It is too early to give profound reports. Just a couple of words, please,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The head of state was also concerned by a big number of drownings in Belarusian waterways. “I am surprised by one fact – we are so concerned about COVID, we were criticized here and there - over 350 people have drowned in Belarusian waterways since the beginning of the year. Over 80% of them were drunk. We can say that it was their fault. But it our responsibility, too.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko also asked the minister to report on the situation with fires, including on the number of victims and saved people. “Our priority is to save people. The economy is also important. It is essential to prevent or at least minimize the damage.”

The Belarusian president mentioned the issue of wildfires in various countries. “In this context, what can you say about fire hazards in Belarus? I have been already informed about peat wildfires in the south. But I hope the situation will improve after these rains… However, what can you say about the current state of affairs? We can also discuss other routine issues which possibly exist in the Emergencies Ministry.”

Vadim Sinyavsky reported that during his tenure he has already visited Emergencies Ministry's departments in all regions, other related bodies and organizations, including those deployed at big industrial enterprises. “I have inspected the organization of work and the response measures which they can take if necessary. I want to tell you that we study more than 4,000 calls from people to universal phone numbers 101 and 112. All people get qualified assistance, even physical assistance and protection when necessary,” the minister said.

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Mogilev region administration