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Minister: Delta variant adds new urgency to vaccinations in Belarus


The detection of the Delta (Indian) variant of coronavirus in Belarus has heightened the urgency of vaccinations in the country, Healthcare Minister Dmitry Pinevich told reporters at a meeting hosted by the Brest Oblast Executive Committee on 24 June, BelTA has learned.

“The emergence of the Indian variant prompts us to step up our work and it is also a strong reason for the public to get vaccinated. According to our data, we have enough vaccines. Any type of vaccine has a protective effect and does not lead to serious consequences. Therefore, the conclusion is very simple: vaccination is one of the most important ways to stay healthy, along with social distancing and other health and safety measures,” the minister said.

On 23 June the Healthcare Ministry informed that the Delta (Indian) variant of coronavirus had been detected in the country. “The first cases have been detected, more will follow. This is the law of epidemiology: if a new variant appears, it will spread. The same happened with the British variant that now prevails in our country. I see no reason for big panic. Yet, the statements of our counterparts from the East, from Russia suggest that the Delta variant has caused an increase in cases,” Dmitry Pinevich said.

In this regard, the Healthcare Ministry, in agreement with local authorities and health departments, recommends having extra beds in reserve, in case the number of cases will surge. For example, 500 such beds are available in Brest now.

According to Head of the Main Health Directorate of the Brest Oblast Executive Committee Viktor Mikhalovsky, the number of COVID-19 cases in the region makes up 25% of the peak number of 2020. The situation is manageable and under control.

The Brest Oblast Executive Committee discussed material, technical and personnel matters, ways to improve the quality of medical services at healthcare institutions of Brest Oblast.

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Mogilev region administration