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Schoolchildren of the Mogilev region won "gold" at the republican competitions in winter all-around "Health"


Republican competitions in winter all-around "Health" among schoolchildren studying in rural areas were held in Vitebsk . The national team of the Mogilev region consisted of 14 boys and girls of grades 5-11 from Kirovsky, Bobruisk, Klimovichsky, Mstislavsky, Belynichsky, Khotimsky, Cherikovsky districts.

The competition program included air rifle shooting, power gymnastics, cross-country skiing.

Young all-rounders of the Mogilev region, gaining 1481 points, won the 1st team place , seriously ahead of the athletes from Vitebsk (1350 points, 2nd place) and Grodno (1202 points, 3rd place) regions.

The most significant contribution to the overall team “gold” was made by representatives of the Kirov region Alexei Kharkhalev and Anastasia Kotova.

The national team of the Mogilev region was prepared for the competition by coaches Valery Voronich and Alexander Gatsko.

Gennady Lyakhov,

Mogilev region administration