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Vaccination against coronavirus continues in Mogilev region


In the Mogilev region, the introduction of the second component of the coronavirus vaccine to doctors began.

Vaccination against coronavirus in the Mogilev region began at the end of January. Health workers receive it first. The vaccine is two-component, the second component is administered after 21 days.

According to the chief sanitary doctor of the Mogilev region, Svetlana Nechay , lists are being formed and the procedure for vaccinating workers in other industries - education, social services, trade, consumer services, transport - is being determined.

Information from specialists:

✔ The vaccine has passed all the necessary safety and efficacy tests. The effectiveness of the Gam-COVID-Vac vaccine against COVID-19 in studies was 91.6%, and against severe forms of the disease - 100%.

✔ The vaccine does not contain the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 (neither alive nor dead), so it is impossible to get sick due to vaccination.

✔ Success in the fight against coronavirus can be better if collective immunity is formed in the society. The more people are immune to the virus, the faster it will stop circulating in the human population.

✔ What side reactions can occur?

In most cases, the vaccine is well tolerated, no side effects are observed. Adverse reactions can develop in the first or second day after vaccination and are resolved within 3 consecutive days.

More often than others, short-term general (short-term flu-like syndrome characterized by chills, fever, arthralgia, myalgia, asthenia, general malaise, headache) and local reactions (soreness at the injection site, hyperemia, swelling) may occur. This is a normal reaction of the body to vaccination.

TRK "Mogilev"


Mogilev region administration