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Women representatives of the Dnieper region were honored in Mogilev


A reception dedicated to the International Women's Day took place today at the Regional Palace of Culture. Its participants were 30 representatives of the female community of the Dnieper region. Among those who came to the celebration in Mogilev, there are ladies of different ages and professions, who have established themselves as excellent specialists and wonderful mothers.

Congratulating the audience, and in their person all the fair sex of the region, the chairman of the Mogilev regional executive committee Leonid Zayats noted: “Women are our support and the foundation of the family and the state. Thanks to you, all sectors of the economy of the Dnieper region are developing dynamically. You bake bread, heal, teach, defend public order ... Each of you is a vivid example of serving your duty, people and state. You keep the peace and vote for the future of our country. And thank you very much for that. "

The policy of the Belarusian state has been and will be aimed at strengthening the institution of motherhood and childhood, stressed the chairman of the regional executive committee. Now the country pays 11 benefits aimed at helping families with many children. 11,300 such families live in the Mogilev region alone, 1,249 women in the region have been awarded the Order of the Mother, and 45,000 children have been provided with various benefits. And this is a nice trend.

The head of the Dnieper region warmly congratulated the participants of the celebration on the upcoming holiday, wishing eternal spring in their hearts, and presented the Order of the Mother to seven women who had given birth and raised five or more children. Well- deserved awards were received by: housewife Valentina Stukan from Bykhov district, deputy director of the Dobrovsky educational and pedagogical complex kindergarten - secondary school of the Goretsky district Marina Blakhina , nurse of the Krichev psychoneurological boarding school for the elderly and disabled Bronislava Burova , cook of the State Educational Institution " Kruchansky educational and pedagogical complex kindergarten - secondary school " Natalia Triputina , adoptive parent of the education department of the Mogilev regional executive committeeLyubov Shekh , head of the economy of the State Institution "Center for financial and economic support of budgetary organizations of the Slavgorod region" Anastasia Perednya , assistant doctor for outpatient care (head) of the Baryshevsky feldsher-obstetric center of the health establishment "Chausskaya central regional hospital" Olga Struchkova.

“In any business you need to have a shoulder to lean on. And in our country, this shoulder is the Head of State, ”Anastasia Perednya, the mother of five children, noted in her reply. “Thanks to the social policy pursued in our country, the prestige of the family is increasing, more and more young couples strive to create their own family, do not fear for their future and the future of their children.”

During the celebration, the participants of the holiday were presented with flowers, and the creative teams and performers of Mogilev delighted the women with a performance.

Olga Emelyanova, photo by Galina Gavrilovich


Mogilev region administration