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Talented youth of mogilev region were solemnly presented with passports


The ceremonial presentation of passports took place today in Mogilev as part of the All-Belarusian action "We are citizens of Belarus!" . The main document in life was received by about 30 talented youth representatives from all over the region - excellent students, winners of subject Olympiads, contests and competitions, active participants in public life. The ceremony, which took place in the Palace of Culture of the region, was attended by representatives of local authorities, public organizations, the parents of the children.

Chairman of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee Leonid Zayats congratulated the boys and girls on the Constitution Day, noting that it was she who laid the legal foundations for building our state. “The document gives everyone the right to find themselves in life, to develop and self-actualize in their native land. And the fact that Belarus today is so beautiful and attractive is the merit of past generations. And what has been achieved should be appreciated and increased, ”the head of the region emphasized.

Leonid Zayats noted that the best representatives of school youth who have already achieved significant success in their studies and social activities have gathered in the hall. Therefore, they understand that everything significant is achieved with great difficulty. “You have the most active years of your life ahead,” said the chairman of the regional executive committee. "Use them for the good of the country."

Handing over passports on Constitution Day has become a good tradition, Leonid Zayats noted. “This is a pass to adulthood, where you need not only to be called a citizen, but also to be a patriot, to confirm your title by conscientious work,” he stated.

The head of the region wished the children health, and their parents - joy and pride for the further success of the children. Leonid Zayats presented the schoolchildren with passports and gifts in memory of an important day - a colorful edition “I am a citizen of the Republic of Belarus” and the Constitution.

Speaking on behalf of the talented youth of the Dnieper region, a pupil of the 8th grade of secondary school No. 2 in Cherikov Nikolai Romanov , first of all, addressed words of gratitude to his parents. He also expressed confidence that each of those gathered in the hall loves the place where he was born. “We have a whole life ahead of us, which we will fill with academic success, initiatives, and professionalism. All this will allow us to preserve the great heritage of Belarusians, honestly carry the title of a citizen of the country through life and make our hometown more beautiful, ”Nikolai Romanov summed up.

In turn, addressing young people as a parent, teacher of secondary school №1 in Bobruisk Svetlana Zueva stressed: “You were born in a beautiful country, with a huge history, which is based on the exploits of grandfathers and great-grandfathers, their wisdom. Continue their work. Be worthy citizens of your country, because everything that is done today is done for you. We have an excellent education, medicine, and our culture is developing. All doors are open. And we, your parents, will support the state and lend a helping hand. Keep the independence of Belarus, glorify the country in the international arena. Your successes are not the last, this is just the start. Make the right choice of your profession and work for the good of your homeland, society and state. "

All-Belarusian patriotic action "We are citizens of Belarus!" takes place in the country on March 12-15. She took a worthy place in the history of the young Belarusian state. Since 2004, the Belarusian Republican Youth Union has been the ideological inspirer of the project. The action is designed to focus the attention of 14-year-olds on such a significant event in their life as obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus, as well as to create conditions for young men and women to understand the meaning and significance of their activities as a citizen.

Olga Emelyanova

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Mogilev region administration