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The competition of video clips «These days will not cease glory» was announced by the Mogilev regional organization of the rpo «Belaya Rus»


The competition of video clips "These days will not cease glory" was announced by the Mogilev regional organization of the RPO "Belaya Rus". The creative competition is timed to the 76th anniversary of the Victory of Soviet troops over the Nazi invaders in the Great Patriotic War.

Residents of the Mogilev region of different ages are invited to participate in the competition. An important condition is that the participant himself or his close relatives have a membership card of the ROO "Belaya Rus".

Using modern technologies, in videos no longer than 60 seconds, authors can show battles and battles of different periods of the war; defense, liberation of the Mogilev region and other cities of the USSR; honoring veterans of the Great Patriotic War, their contribution to the formation of post-war society; the importance of remembering those terrible events. The genre (interview, reportage, video clip, challenge, etc.) is determined by the participants themselves.

Works are posted on any social network, messenger, or video hosting (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, Telegram, TikTok with the obligatory hashtag # 9MayBelayaRus), and the link is sent to the email address: with the subject line "Competition" and full name, age, contacts.

The winners will be the authors of the three best videos. They will be awarded with diplomas and valuable prizes. The competition is held from March 10 to April 26, 2021.

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Mogilev region administration