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The largest enterprises of the Mogilev region massively vaccinate their employees


Mass vaccination against COVID-19 is gradually reaching a new level. If yesterday the vaccination was given mainly to people from the risk group - doctors, teachers, pensioners, but today it is available to everyone. Whole collectives sign up for vaccination! JSC "Babushkina Krynka" was one of the first in Mogilev to organize such an opportunity for its employees. The company does not have its own first-aid post, therefore the employees undergo the procedure in the city polyclinic No. 6.

No side effects

… Today, the daytime department of the sixth Mogilev polyclinic has a slightly different purpose. A vaccination station was registered here, and it occupied several rooms at once. Before getting there, the patient will have to undergo a preliminary examination by a doctor, during which temperature, pressure, pulse, oxygen saturation will be measured, and asked to answer questions about chronic and other diseases. All this, doctors emphasize, is not a tick: there are no trifles in vaccination. The result of the procedure largely depends on the health and well-being of a person.

Among those who were preparing to enter the treatment room were mainly employees of OJSC "Babushkina Krynka". Leading veterinarian Vasily Orlov admitted that he had already come for the second component. The first injection was easy. He expects that the second stage of vaccination will be painless. The process is not new either for the carpenter Dmitry Gorevoy. He admitted that he was glad to have the opportunity to be vaccinated. This is a real chance to return to your old life, to communicate freely with friends and colleagues. The head of the economic security service, Vyacheslav Boloshenko, also got into one of the first groups of the collective, which took place in the initial stage of vaccination back in April. He noted that then he felt only the prick itself:

- Some of my colleagues said that they had a fever, hand felt numb or redness appeared, but personally I did not feel anything like that. And literally the next day after vaccination, he went to work.

Prick and rest

Svetlana Stashevskaya, Deputy General Director of Babushkina Krynka, noted: before starting vaccination, the company organized meetings for employees with doctors from the Mogilev regional and zonal hygiene and public health centers in person and online. The doctors spoke about the benefits of such a procedure, answered the questions asked. The vaccination schedule was made so that it was convenient for each of the employees:

- People are brought to the clinic in groups at a certain, previously appointed time, so that they do not stand in line. Vaccination began at our enterprise on April 20, and even earlier at the Bykhov branch - on April 14. In total, 178 people have already been vaccinated, and this process continues.

Deputy head physician Tatyana Kondakova clarified that the vaccination process in polyclinic No. 6 started in January. There are many who want to protect themselves from coronavirus with a vaccine:

- Today there are 850 people on the waiting list. Over a thousand have already completed the full course of vaccinations. We invite patients to a certain time - so that there is no pandemonium. After the procedure, they have the opportunity to rest, including if they want to lie down on the couch.

A chance for everyone

Nurse Elena Skameyka said that on average one hundred or more people are vaccinated per day. There are many elderly patients among the patients. The oldest of them is 88 years old. The medical staff of the clinic also vaccinated their colleagues from the Mogilev Oncology Dispensary and Hospital No. 1, as well as school teachers. Physicians and teachers who, for various reasons, could not get vaccinated with their teams, are accepted today. “The process, - says Tatyana Anatolyevna, - is debugged to the smallest detail. Information about the vaccination of patients who are not geographically related to us is transferred to the polyclinics at their place of residence. " Their employees, of course, are also vaccinated, so that, if necessary, they can tell especially excited citizens that this is not at all scary.

The head physician of the Mogilev central polyclinic, Alexander Basenko, stated that on the eve of vaccination, a lot of preparatory work was carried out with the population:

- We spoke on the pages of newspapers, on television, in collectives - everything in order to explain to people as best as possible what vaccination is and why it is needed. As you know, it is better to prevent any disease than to cure it later. Our arguments were heard: today those wishing to be vaccinated are enrolled in the queue.

Natalya Peterson, the head of the public health department of the Mogilev Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health, is also sure that vaccination is a chance to stay healthy or get sick in a mild form. And you cannot neglect it. “Sometimes, - noted Natalia Peterson, - due to lack of information or even fakes, people do not dare to take such a step. And they have to be reminded that thanks to timely and massive vaccinations, such serious infections as poliomyelitis, acute hepatitis B, tuberculosis and many others have been reduced to a minimum ”. Mass vaccination against COVID-19 will also allow you to forget about the fear of getting infected yourself or infecting relatives and friends. And live the same fulfilling life as before.

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Mogilev region administration