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The regional stage of the republican creative competition for young reciters "Living Classics" will be held in Mogilev on May 13


The regional stage of the republican creative competition for young reciters "Living Classics" will be held on May 13 at the Regional Center for Creativity (educational building, conference hall). This was reported by Tatyana Novikova, methodologist of the educational activities department of the institution of additional education .

Students of grades 1-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-10 grades of institutions of general secondary and additional education of children and youth will show themselves in the competition, timed to coincide with the Year of National Unity. The winners will represent our region in the semi-final, which is planned to be held in Minsk in June.

As the interlocutor said, the "Living Classics" competition is held with the aim of increasing the interest of children and adolescents in reading, developing and maintaining high moral values ​​and ideals of the Belarusian society, educating the younger generation on the best examples of national literature, attracting public attention to the problems of reading, expanding the reader's horizons , search and support of talented youth.

The event starts at 11.00.

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Mogilev region administration