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The team of the Mogilev region took first place in the judo ODM of Belarus


In Polotsk (Vitebsk region) the Olympic days of Belarusian youth in judo among boys and girls born in 2005-2006 were held. The tournament was attended by 228 athletes from all regions of the country and Minsk.

Representatives of the Mogilev region won 4 gold, 2 silver, 4 bronze medals and took 1st place in the team competition. ODM winners were Alexandra Goncharova (up to 52 kg), Violetta Fedorova (up to 57 kg), Vladimir Batrakov (up to 90 kg), Arseny Malitsky (over 90 kg).

The second place in the team event was taken by the judokas of the Grodno region, not the third - by the athletes of the Vitebsk region.

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Mogilev region administration