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KGK Mogilev region controls price stability in the consumer market


At a meeting of the board of the State Control Committee of the Mogilev region, the results of monitoring the implementation of the instructions of the Head of State on ensuring price stability in the consumer market were considered. This was announced by the first deputy chairman of the department Dmitry Zakharov.

The Board noted that the measures taken by the republican and local authorities of trade management to prevent unreasonable price increases are insufficient.

The rise in prices for a number of socially important goods exceeded the annual forecast figure (104.9%) . Moreover, the growth rate for many food products in the region turned out to be the highest among other regions of the republic (for bread and loaves, semi-finished poultry products, chicken and broiler chickens, dried fruits, rice groats and others) .

The subjects of trade systematically violate the discipline of prices. In January-May 2021, such cases were identified by the Committee in 58 (out of 86) controlled retail outlets for more than 470 items of socially significant goods.

Following the meeting, the board made specific proposals to local authorities. Their execution is under control.

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Mogilev region administration