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Mogilev Regional Executive Committee
30 April 2021

An exhibition of young artists of Belarus and Russia "Heirs of the Great Victory" will open in Mogilev on May 6

Under the sign of the Year of National Unity on May 6 at 15.00 in the Mogilev Regional Art Museum named after P.V. Maslenikov will host the grand opening of the exhibition of young artists of Belarus and Russia "Heirs of the Great Victory". The exposition is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the cultural institution said.

The organizers of the project are the Maslenikov Museum and the Bobruisk City Children's and Youth Exemplary Art Studio "Raduga". The exhibition is held within the framework of the international project "World without Borders", which for many years has united the Bobruisk studio and the Karsun children's art school named after Arkady Plastov - the leading institutions of additional extracurricular education in the field of culture and art in the Mogilev and Ulyanovsk regions. The author and coordinator of the project is Igor Motin.

The exhibition was created by children for children. Its very name - "Heirs of the Great Victory" - makes children think about their role in family and life, about the continuous connection of times and generations, forming a sense of civic consciousness and responsibility for the world. This exhibition project has been operating from 2004 to the present.

The exhibition presents 60 paintings and graphic works made by children based on plots of family stories and works of military subjects. When writing individual pictures, the children used rarities brought from home (awards, photos).

Many works were created by children after conversations with the older generation, watching films, visiting museums, on the basis of K. Simonov's books "The Living and the Dead", collections "Never Forget", "Pioneers Heroes".

“The pictures presented at the exhibition are striking in their sincerity and realism,” said the interlocutors. “We look at the tragic events through the eyes of children who have never seen war, and this makes us even more acutely feel and understand that there should not be a repetition of the war, that our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren need a peaceful sky, bright sun and a calm, happy life.”

The exhibition will be on display until June 22. On this day, the closing ceremony with the presentation of diplomas to young participants will take place.

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