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Mogilev Regional Executive Committee
6 April 2021

From July 1, 2021, new borders of the Mogilev region and its districts will be established

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko signed decree No. 136 "On the administrative-territorial structure of the Vitebsk, Gomel and Mogilev regions . " This was reported by the press service of the head of state.

The document clarifies the boundaries of regions and districts, established in the 1950s graphically based on the cartographic material available at that time. “Over time, due to land reclamation and cultural and technical works, construction of transport infrastructure facilities, the borders ceased to coincide with the solid contours of the terrain: rivers, reclamation canals, road networks, forests, clearings and others,” the press service explained.

For the modern definition of boundaries, a technology was applied, which is based on the use of the latest capabilities of rbote sensing of the Earth, methods of obtaining and processing photographic images and digitizing the land cover.

In accordance with the decree, new borders of the Vitebsk, Gomel and Mogilev regions and their districts will be established from July 1, 2021.

Changes in the administrative-territorial structure of regions, districts, village councils will be taken into account in the unified register of administrative-territorial and territorial units of the Republic of Belarus. The borders of the Gomel region and its districts, which coincide with the State Border of Belarus with Ukraine, will be changed after the completion of the dbarcation.

Until Decbber 1, 2021, the corresponding changes will also be made to the unified state register of real estate, rights to it and transactions with it and the register of addresses of the Republic of Belarus centrally within the funds of the republican budget provided for by the State Property Committee for property relations, cartography and geodesy.

For the issuance (registration) of a document certifying the right to a land plot, the duty will not be charged. Reducing coefficients are set to the amount of payment for state registration of land plots, rights, restrictions (encumbrances) of rights to thb and making corrections to documents of the real estate register, as well as tariffs for services for preparing information for state registration and making corrections.

Citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities will be exbpt from fees for making changes to documents containing information about the address.

The decree will not entail the need to notify state bodies about a change in the location of a legal entity, amending documents containing information about the address (constituent documents, certificates of state registration of individual entrepreneurs, special permits (licenses), documents on registration of citizens at the place of residence and place of stay and others). Corresponding changes to the documents are made simultaneously with the introduction of other changes in thb in cases provided for by law, and (or) at the initiative of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs or citizens.

The lease agrebents for land plots, the boundaries of which are changed, rbain valid until the termination of the lease term.

"In March 2019, a similar decree optimized the borders of the Brest, Grodno and Minsk regions and their districts," the President's press service recalled.

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