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Mogilev Regional Executive Committee
12 April 2021

In the Mogilev region, on weekends, rescuers went to extinguish dry vegetation 28 times

In the Mogilev region, 12 fires occurred over the weekend, 28 times rescuers went to extinguish dry vegetation. This was reported by the senior inspector of the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Olga Nekhoroshikh.

So, on April 10, at about 4 pm, a report was received from eyewitnesses about the burning of dry vegetation in a vacant lot behind the Technopribor garage cooperative, located at Mira Avenue in Mogilev. The fire, driven by the wind, covered an area of ​​about 1 hectare. While extinguishing the grass, rescuers discovered and extinguished a fire inside one of the garages. Experts do not exclude that the flame from the burning grass got into the garage through a small crack in the wall. The cause of the fire is careless handling of the fire.

The following conditions are necessary for the safe incineration of garbage: calm weather, constant constant monitoring of the combustion process, a site cleared of combustible substances and dry vegetation, located so that flames and sparks do not fall on combustible elements of buildings, utility structures and structures, on stored combustible substances and materials. At the end of the combustion process, the remnants of burning (smoldering) materials must be extinguished to the last spark.

According to article 16.40. Illegal burning of dry vegetation, standing grasses, as well as stubble and crop residues in the fields, or failure to take measures to eliminate burns on land plots - entail the imposition of a fine of up to thirty basic units. Protect the environment!

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