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Mogilev Regional Executive Committee
8 April 2021

Leonid Martynyuk: we have everything for a successful sowing campaign, it is important to use resources wisely

We have everything you need to carry out a successful sowing campaign, it is important to use these resources wisely. This opinion was shared with journalists by the Presidential Aide - Inspector for the Mogilev Region Leonid Martynyuk during his visit to the Malyatichi-Agro KSUP in the Krichevsky District.

“Late spring, which has come this year, leaves certain technological imprints on the conduct of spring field work, which must be completed in the shortest possible time and with high quality. We have everything necessary for a successful sowing campaign, it is important to use these resources wisely, - said Leonid Martynyuk. - And on the example of this farm, we see that we are provided with equipment, there are mineral fertilizers that will be applied to the soil on time, and most importantly, there is potential for people who understand that today feeds the whole year. And the mood that I felt after talking with the team, the mood of people for work that needs to be done in the shortest possible time - they are all aimed at a good result and, of course, decent wages. "

As the director of the Malyatichi-Agro KSUP Alexander Radovsky noted , active work is underway on the fields of the enterprise. “45% of early grain crops have already been sifted out. Among them are oats, barley, legumes. 860 hectares have been allocated for these crops, more than 1,000 hectares for annual crops, and more than 300 hectares for corn for grain. By Sunday we plan to finish feeding winter crops - this is 3 thousand hectares. Under normal weather conditions, we plan to finish sowing early grain crops in a week, - said Alexander Radovsky. - With the repair of equipment, all issues were resolved in winter. To date, there are no questions with fuel or fertilizers. This year we received an energy-rich tractor, plows and other equipment. "

According to the chairman of the Krichevsky regional executive committee, Andrey Sedukov , 15% of the area of ​​early grain crops has already been sown in the region. “Sowing work is proceeding according to the schedule - 15% of our area has been sown. We must complete the sowing campaign by April 20. There is fuel, fertilizers are in full, the equipment is repaired and ready to go. There are times when the car can break down right on the way out in the field - this is all decided. The workers are provided with food, the trade unions are responsible for this, - noted Andrey Sedukov. - At the same time, work is underway to prepare the soil for sowing, the equipment continues to work on feeding rapeseed. All crops wintered very well. We hope for a good harvest ”.

In addition, in the area for the spring field work, the equipment was updated. “One high-energy tractor has already been delivered to Malyatichi-Agro, and we are waiting for another five tractors from day to day. These tractors will be used for applying chemicals. We plan to create a separate mechanized detachment, which will serve the fields of all farms in our region, ”said the chairman of the regional executive committee.

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