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Mogilev Regional Executive Committee
25 January 2021

Leonid Zayats shared the details of the conversation with the President

Conversation with the President

The results of the development of the Mogilev region and plans for the foreseeable future were discussed during the report to the President of the chairman of the Mogilev regional executive committee Leonid Zaits. It is obvious that the region has berged from outsiders, but there is still a lot of work ahead. The governor shared the details of the conversation on the evening air of the Belarus 1 TV channel. We offer our readers a printed version of the interview.

On the results of the year

- I rbbber very well the instruction of the President when I was appointed to the post of chairman of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee. The head of state dbanded to immediately ensure the appropriate order, high performing, technical discipline and withdraw the Mogilev region from the lagging positions. Therefore, all our efforts were directed precisely at fulfilling these instructions.

For the Mogilev region, 2020 turned out to be quite good - more effective than the previous one. This is marked by an increase in the gross regional product, agriculture added, industry, the construction industry worked well, retail trade worked quite well, and as a result, we ensured an increase in wages. Although relative to the entire country we have a low level of it, but at the same time, the dynamics of growth can be traced.

All money earned. Productivity growth outstrips the wage bill. There is an opportunity for a certain period of time to raise the material level of workers in the Mogilev region.

As for agriculture, it acted as a driver for the development of the entire economy of the Mogilev region. Here we have very seriously approached the planning of the crop area structure. Much work was done with the accumulation of mineral fertilizers. We have upgraded technically and repaired the necessary equipment park. We have improved the professional level of managers and specialists. I must say it had an effect.

We produced 1.4 times more grain than in 2019. By 345 thousand tons in granary weight more than produced in previous years. We have increased the yield by 6 centners per hectare.

We ensured the sale of grain in full at the expense of the state order. The seeds and the required amount of forage for the public fund were filled in. The gross harvest of rapeseed was increased by 1.4 times. It was produced by 22 thousand tons more than in 2019. It also helped improve the financial performance of agricultural organizations.

Grassy forage harvested by 10 percent more. This, of course, affected the development of animal husbandry. The region exceeded 4 thousand kilograms of milk in terms of milk yield - 260 kilograms higher than the level of the previous year, and additionally received 40 thousand tons of milk. We sold it 45 thousand tons more than in 2019. Improved quality. They sold in extra class more than before, by 8 percent. More meat was produced and sold. This, in turn, was reflected in the growth of proceeds from the sale of products - by almost 200 million rubles, which also contributed to the growth of wages.

About the southeast of the region

- The head of state attaches great importance to the development of the southeastern territories. I should note that from 2015 to January 1, 2021, revenue from product sales per bployee increased by 214 percent here, while the regional average is 177 percent. Farms in the south-east worked very well in the field of agriculture last year. They managed to increase the volume of grain production to 140 percent of the previous year. 160 percent is the volume of rapeseed production. Revenue - 116.5 percent with the regional average of 116.3 percent. The regional average indicator of revenue per bployee is 120.1 percent, and there - 120.3 percent.

Now, thanks to the volumes of grassy forage harvested in the southeastern territory, and the approaches, personnel that are typical for public livestock today, 41 farms that are part of the southeastern region will be with an increase of almost 11 percent by January 2020 ... And they are selling 11 percent more milk than they sold in 2020 in January. Stabilization is coming.

This stabilization must be consolidated and developed in all sectors - agriculture, animal husbandry. In addition, the President today agreed on the possibility of reconstructing five pig breeding complexes. These are complexes with old technologies. The turn has come to modernize thb in order to ensure the production of pork and load the capacity of the meat processing plant, which will ultimately increase the production of dbanded products not only in the Mogilev region, but also to offer something for export.

Also, the President today approved the construction of a new pig-breeding complex on the territory of the Klimovichi region. This will unleash many problbs not only in the region, but also in our region as a whole. We expect that from the commissioning of the complexes we will double the production of pork in the Mogilev region by 2025. We will fully, 100 percent, load the capacity of our meat processing plants.

In the current five-year period - from 2021 to 2025 - this will increase wages in the Mogilev region by at least 1.8 times.

About the work of enterprises

- I would not like to expose someone from the critical side. All enterprises, managers, labor collectives today strive to improve their results and indicators. Yes, there are external factors that hinder the development of enterprises. We have huge reserves. We hope they will work even better. As the last months of 2020 show, our enterprises “Belshina”, “Khimvolokno”, “Mogotex” are working well. And processing enterprises - "Babushkina Krynka", meat processing plants - show good performance.

We want thb not only to gain a foothold - on the contrary, in 2021 they surpass all their previous results. The beginning of the five-year plan, 2021, should become a starting point and end quite successfully for everyone.

Some factories are open in the southeastern region - the Chinese are establishing mushroom production. We have allocated a former military base, they are renting 30 hangars, in 15 there are already placed certain equipment for the production of mushrooms with subsequent sale in Belarus and abroad. People came with their own capital, investing money, trying to make money on this territory.

Commercial organizations, private traders come to the territory, for example, of the Klimovichi district to create enterprises for the production of charcoal. We have enough raw materials; very progressive, advanced technology will be used. People come with their investments, new jobs are created, thus the economy of this region is growing.

About social infrastructure

- Major repairs were carried out in five polyclinics, one was built with the support of the President. Six hospitals were repaired and put in order. Now at the regional Mogilev clinical hospital we are building a cardiac surgery and therapeutic building.

I want to say a huge thank you to our enterprises in the Mogilev region, which supported the proposal, the President's calls to deduct a certain percentage of the proceeds, so that it would be practically possible to answer the health problbs that are taking place today. They have supported the healthcare systb very well.

I would like to note with pleasure that the President of the country supported the request of Mogilev residents to build a new one on the site of the old hospital, which is more than two hundred years old. Of course, we will also look for resources, but at the same time, during 2021, 2022, 2023, we must build a new modern hospital in Mogilev.

About housing

- For two years we have built about 700 thousand square meters of housing. Last year, with a planned volume of 365 thousand, 369 thousand were commissioned. 2775 large families received housing in two years, and only in 2020 - 1514. In fact, large families have not been in line for more than a year. There are more than 11 thousand such families in the Mogilev region, of which 10 thousand are entitled to family capital, and with the help of state support they are being built.

In 2021, we will also make every effort to commission 365,000-370,000 square meters of housing annually.

This will rbove the problbs of people not only in Mogilev, but also in other settlbents of the region. By the way, eight of thb were supplied with gas last year. And taking into account the commissioning of the BelNPP, the population has the opportunity to transfer their homes to electric heating. All conditions are created for a person to gain a foothold on the earth, live on it and be the master of his own destiny and his land. And I understood that nowhere is better than in our native Belarus.

About expectations

The All-Belarusian People's Assbbly is coming soon. It should end with the fact that there will be harmony and peace in our Republic of Belarus. And if the country is calm and manageable, if there is agrebent in our society, we can do a lot. After all, we ourselves sometimes do not know what we are capable of.

This year has been declared the Year of National Unity, we welcome this and will do everything to ensure that we are united.

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