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Mogilev Regional Executive Committee
13 April 2021

Mogilev investigators took part in the action "Week of the forest"

Employees of the Department of the Investigative Committee and the Mogilev Interdistrict Department at the final stage joined the annual republican action "Week of the Forest - 2021". Anastasia Lavrinovich, the official representative of the USC in the Mogilev region, informed about it .

The action was attended by 35 investigators, leaders and cadets of the investigative and expert faculty of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They planted young pine, spruce and birch seedlings on an area of ​​more than 3.5 hectares in the Vendorozhsky forestry of the Mogilev forestry enterprise.

The head of the Department of the Investigative Committee for the Mogilev Region Vladimir Shalukhin took part in the replenishment of the forest .

During the planting of young seedlings, Vladimir Shalukhin emphasized that it is necessary to support the necessary and noble cause of forest restoration: “Moreover, in the Year of National Unity and the 10th anniversary of the foundation of the Investigative Committee, everyone should make their own small contribution and plant a tree, the beauty and strength of which in the future our descendants will be able to admire ”.

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