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Mogilev Regional Executive Committee
10 June 2021

More than 390 graduates became medalists in the Mogilev region

In the Mogilev region, 394 graduates became medalists. This was reported in the main education department of the regional executive committee.

Today, the region hosts graduation ceremonies. In the Mogilev region, there are about 9.9 thousand graduates of the 9th grade, and more than 5.6 thousand young people have completed the 11th grade. A special standard of general secondary education certificates with a gold medal will be awarded to 363 graduates, a silver one - to 31.

513 9th grade graduates will receive certificates of general basic education with honors.

“It is planned to present graduates with certificates of general secondary education in a solemn atmosphere. However, the decision on the format of the event is made by the school leaders with the participation of parental committees and in agreement with the local executive and administrative body, ”the interlocutors noted.

In most schools, the awarding of certificates takes place in the fresh air on school grounds. Some institutions are planning to award certificates in regional cultural centers: according to the schedule, without bringing together graduates from different educational institutions into one event. The celebrations are held in compliance with all safety measures and taking into account the recommendations of the centers of hygiene and epidemiology.

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