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Mogilev Regional Executive Committee
9 April 2021

One of the overpasses in Mogilev is planned to be repaired

In Mogilev, they plan to overhaul the overpass on Chelyuskintsev Street. Renovation work here will begin on April 10th. This was announced by Sergey Zyatkov, Deputy General Director for Construction of the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise "Management of Communal Enterprises" .

“Now the overpass on Chelyuskintsev Street is in a pre-emergency condition. Therefore, it was decided to promptly carry out a major overhaul. The work involves the dismantling of the railings, sidewalks and the replacement of the road surface, the improvement of the adjacent territory and the replacement of lighting equipment. The design of the overpass will not change much, but it will become more modern, ”said Sergei Zyatkov.

During the renovation, traffic on the bridge will be limited - it will be organized along one half of the bridge in both directions. After finishing the repair work on one half, the traffic will be transferred to the already repaired side. Work here will take place in two shifts, including on weekends and at night, if necessary.

The planned date of putting the bridge into operation is the beginning of September this year. The cost is over Br3 million. “Everyone understands that even a partial blocking of the overpass will bring certain inconveniences to the city's residents - traffic jams at rush hour, and changes in routes and times of public transport. Therefore, we will try to complete the repair work as early as possible, ”stressed Sergei Zyatkov.

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