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Mogilev Regional Executive Committee
3 May 2021

Republican action "Do not leave children alone!" starts in Mogilev region on May 3

Childhood is the brightest, brightest and most carefree time in life. Growing up, children adapt to the world around them, learning something new day after day. Both in everyday life and on the street, they, along with interesting discoveries, lie in wait for numerous dangers. To teach children in time the basics of life safety, the rules of behavior in emergency situations means making their childhood safe.

In order to draw attention to the problem of children's pranks with fire and the death of children in fires, to reduce the number of emergencies involving children and to ensure their general safety , the republican preventive action "Do not leave children alone!" , timed to coincide with International Family Day and Children's Day.

Olga Nekhoroshikh, senior inspector of the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations , said that the action includes 4 stages.

1st: from 3 to 15 May. The target audience of this stage is parents and their children. The action is held at objects with a massive presence of people (shopping and entertainment centers, cinemas, children's theaters, in children's stores "Buslik", "Kari kids", in open areas, etc.). Rescuers invite you to take part in the family sports event "Mom, Dad, we are strong in safety!"

2nd: May 17-21 - held in health care institutions (territorial polyclinics): "Rooms of a healthy child", "Schools of motherhood";

- in educational institutions (early development schools, preschool education centers); Out-of-school education centers (Palaces of Children and Youth); in sports and recreation centers, sports schools (waiting rooms for parents);

- in preschool institutions, primary grades of educational institutions (parental meetings). The target audience of the stage is future and young mothers, parents.

3rd: May 24 - May 28 - Rescuers with an entertainment and preventive mission will visit large families, family-type orphanages, children's entertainment centers, catering organizations. In regional centers, events will be held in regional houses of culture.

4th: from May 31 to June 1. Timed to coincide with the International Children's Day. The action will take place in open areas in places with a massive presence of people.

May childhood be safe!

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