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Mogilev Regional Executive Committee
7 April 2021

The acceptance of applications for the competition "Internet Award" TIBO-2021 "has started

The acceptance of applications for the TIBO-2021 Internet Award has started , according to the website of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization.

“The main distinction of the 2021 award is in the nomination “ Government Bodies ” . The websites of the contestants will be considered in accordance with the criteria for assessing the functioning of the websites of government bodies developed by the Research Institute of Theory and Practice of Public Administration of the Presidential Academy of Management in cooperation with the Ministry of Communications and the Faculty of Journalism of the Belarusian State University, ”the statement said.

The nominations for "Corporate Blogosphere" and "Environment and Green Energy" have appeared in this year's Internet Awards . In total, 12 main nominations will be presented at the competition : government bodies; education and science; information resource; corporate and thematic Internet resources; promo sites and landing pages; online stores; culture, entertainment, events; sport; health and medicine; for children and youth; corporate blogosphere; environment and green energy. “In addition to these nominations, the jury has the right to mark out of the Internet resources submitted for the competition the best one for design, content and manufacturability, or to award the site a special prize of the competition jury,” the department added.

Acceptance of applications for the competition will last until May 16.

The organizers of the competition "Internet Prize" TIBO-2021 "are the Ministry of Communications and Informatization, the Ministry of Information and ZAO Technics and Communications. This internet award has been held annually in Belarus since 2003. The main objectives of the competition are to promote the establishment and development of the Belarusian Internet sector, the development and implementation of new information technologies and the promotion of the best achievements of the Belarusian Internet sector. Since the beginning of the competition, about 8 thousand Belarusian Internet resources have taken part in it. In 2019, 485 applications were submitted for the competition.

The XXVII International Forum on Information and Communication Technologies "TIBO-2021" will be held in Minsk from 1 to 4 June.

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