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Mogilev Regional Executive Committee
7 May 2021

The team of the Mogilev region for the fifth time became the winner of the team classification of the All-Belarusian cross-country race for the prizes of the newspaper “SB. Belarus today "

Final of the All-Belarusian track and field athletics cross for the prizes of the newspaper “SB. Belarus Today ” ended in Mogilev. After the finish of individual races in all age categories, the winner of the team competition was determined - the team of the Mogilev region became the winner for the fifth time in a row.

Competitions on a picturesque track near the Dubrovenka River started with races at the longest - five-kilometer - distance. Let us remind you that Olga Nemogay and Vyacheslav Skudny won them. The runs of younger athletes turned out to be no less interesting.

Anastasia Poluyan became the winner in the junior competition at a distance of three kilometers, taking the lead from the first meters. Victoria Voronets and Eva Minich finished behind her.

- Although I was in the lead, running was not boring. I felt that my rivals were behind my back, I wanted to run away from them as far as possible. Of course, it's easier and more convenient to run when there is someone in front - you reach after such an athlete, and the result is often better, but today it was different, - said Anastasia Poluyan. - It was important for me to win and bring points to the team. I'm glad it worked out.

Dmitry Savin, who defended the title of winner among juniors, also thought about the victory of his team at a distance:

- For me, this is not the first start of the season. The track here is quite difficult: it's not even about the hills, but about the "swamp" underfoot. But I liked everything. I love crosses, I can show the result in them.

Among boys and girls, Yegor Ryzhkov and Anastasia Lev became the winners at a distance of two kilometers, and in the youngest age category - among athletes born in 2006-2007 - Alina Apanovich and Anton Tofov.

The senior coach of our national athletics team Andrei Gordeev says: the results of the current All-Belarusian cross-country race cannot be called unexpected:

- In principle, our leaders have confirmed their level. The expected fight was between Sergei Platonov and Vyacheslav Skudny at a distance of five kilometers. Sergei Kravchenya and Alexander Sanko fought for the third-fourth place - the three-four leaders are quite predictable. As for the women's five-kilometer race, in which Olga Nemogay won, it was more of a tactical struggle: the girls did not run very quickly for the first two or three kilometers. If Tatyana Shabanova increased the pace in the distance, she would have every chance to pick up the gold. There were no sensations among the juniors: Dmitry Savin and Anastasia Poluyan are today leaders by a margin. The level of these two athletes can be called European - they adequately represent the country at continental and even world competitions. Of young men and younger boys, I would not single out anyone yet. But I was pleased with the uncompromising struggle, in which the guys snatched victories at the finish line. This speaks to the character of the athletes. Any of the leaders of youth races can prove themselves in the future - you just need to work.

In the team competition, the team from the Mogilev region again became the winner. The second place was taken by the athletes of the Grodno region, the third - from Minsk.

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