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Mogilev Regional Executive Committee
14 April 2021

Trade unions of the Mogilev region will plant more than 3 thousand spruces and lindens at the republican subbotnik

More than 3 thousand tree saplings will be planted by trade union workers of the Mogilev region on April 17 during the republican subbotnik. This was reported in the Mogilev regional union of trade unions.

About 40 people will take part in the labor event: representatives of the regional association of trade unions and 14 regional organizations of branch trade unions. They will work on a plot of 2 hectares on the territory of the Zakhodskoye forestry of the Mogilev region, located about 30 km from the regional center. Materials for planting, young spruces and lindens, will be provided by the Mogilev forestry enterprise.

“Trade union workers annually take part in the republican subbotnik and are happy to make their contribution to the improvement of our native land, their small homeland,” the interlocutors noted.

Representatives of the trade union movement will work on April 17 throughout the region. During the subbotnik, they will equip military graves, memorial complexes and mass graves, bring objects and territories of settlements into proper condition. For example, specialists of the regional committee of the Belarusian trade union of workers of the agro-industrial complex will ennoble the memorial sign "Warrior and partisan" in the village of Nikolaevka-2, Mogilev region.

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