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Mogilev Regional Executive Committee
15 April 2021

Two fires happened in a day in the Mogilev region

Two fires occurred per day in the region, both in Bobruisk at about the same time, said Olga Nekhoroshikh, senior inspector of the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

So, on April 15, early in the morning, for an unknown reason, a 2-apartment residential building on the street. Pavlova. The owner of one of the apartments woke up from the crackling of burning slate and, waking up her husband and neighbors, hurried to evacuate. No harm done. As a result of the fiery element, the roof and ceilings were partially destroyed, property in the second half of the house was damaged.

After 20 minutes, the Bobruisk rescuers were in a hurry for another fire. According to the lane. Turgenev's apartment building was burning with an open flame. Fortunately, the daughter of the owner of the house managed to escape. The woman woke up from the smell of smoke and since the escape routes were cut off by fire, she got out through the window. She did not suffer, but the housing was practically incinerated: the roof was destroyed throughout the entire area, partly floors, walls and property in the house. The cause of the incident is being established.

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