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Mogilev Regional Executive Committee
22 June 2021

Two fires occurred in the Mogilev region per day

During the day, there were two fires in the region - in Mogilev and Bobruisk. This was reported by the senior inspector of the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Olga Nekhoroshikh.

A short circuit in the electrical wiring is the preliminary cause of a fire in a private residential building located on the street. Mayakovsky in the city on the Dnieper . The fire occurred on June 21 at about 19.00. As a result, the roof was damaged on an area of ​​30 sq. M. and the wall of the house.

The last night turned out to be restless for the tenants of a five-story residential building on the street. Soviet in Bobruisk . At about one in the morning, smoke poured from the windows of the apartment on the fifth floor. Neighbors called rescuers. The 39-year-old landlord was evacuated from the apartment before the arrival of the rescuers.

As a result of the incident, the property in the room was destroyed, the walls and ceiling in the apartment were smoked. No harm done. The residents of the building were not evacuated. The cause of the incident is being established.

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