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Mogilev Regional Executive Committee
8 October 2021

Lukashenko to take part in Belkoopsoyuz meeting

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko will take part in the general meeting of the Belarusian National Union of Consumer Societies Belkoopsoyuz on 8 October, BelTA informs.

The event will take place in the Palace of the Republic. Partaking in it will be about 450 representatives of organizations and enterprises included in the Belkoopsoyuz system.

The meeting will focus on the current state of affairs and development prospects of consumer societies, their development strategy in Belarusian regions. The election of the chairman of the board of directors will be the central event of the meeting. This position has been vacant since the appointment of Vasily Ivanov, the former head of Belkoopsoyuz, as the head of the Belarus President Property Management Directorate.

The system of Belarusian consumer societies unites 302,700 members and provides employment to almost 42,000 people. The organizations of Belkoopsoyuz provide services to 3.3 million Belarusian people. The structure of Belkoopsoyuz includes four oblast consumer societies, 55 district consumer societies, 52 unitary enterprises, five educational institutions.

Trade generates more than 70% of Belkoopsoyuz's revenues.

In January-August 2021, the volume of Belkoopsoyuz's operations exceeded Br2.2 billion. The average monthly salary of Belkoopsoyuz employees exceeds Br760.

Belkoopsoyuz is currently implementing a five-year plan to develop consumer societies. Their main objectives are to reform the overall structure, to ensure profitable work, to automate business processes, and to improve the material and technical basis.

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